Saturday 22 November 2014

Successful Co-parenting: Back to School Tips for Divorced Parents

Successful co-parenting need not be an oxymoron if the divorced individuals display self restraint and maturity. There may be many instances that may test a parent’s patience and is likely to become a battleground. Getting back to school after the summer holidays is one such instance. Here are a few tips to help co-parents manage the back to school routine successfully:

•    When in doubt, refer to the settlement order regarding parenting plan:

Issues concerning parenting responsibilities are discussed in detail in the divorce order. Make sure that you refer to the parenting plan before you raise an issue with your ex-spouse. Consulting these documents is likely to solve many issues.

•    Check your ego at the door:

Most co-parenting issues including school-related problems can be sorted if both or either of the parents decides to let go of their ego. Sometimes you may not agree with your ex-spouse’s view on things, but if it does not harm your child’s interest, it is alright to let go. The ex-spouse is also your child’s parent and would only want the best for him/her.

•    Plan everything in detail:

Sit with your ex to plan activities for the entire academic year. This includes planning about school breaks, weekends, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Things may not always go as planned, but at least you have a general idea about who does what and when. This also allows time to plan other related aspects.

If problems creep in despite your best effort to keep things amiable, take a step back and think- ‘what’s in the best interest of my child’ or hire a certified family law specialist in California. I’m sure the answer to this question would solve almost every issue.

Saturday 27 September 2014

What Happens After You Have Been Served A Petition For Divorce?

If your spouse has expressed the desire to get a divorce, the first thing you need to do is respond to the petition. While doing so, you can also get the help of an experienced divorce attorney in San Jose and file a counterclaim along with your answer. This counterclaim is a request for a divorce along with a request for relief in your counterclaim.

Responding to the Petition in Time

In the petition, you will be told how many protected days you have in hand to respond. This time frame is usually 30 days. During this time, you need to decide what you want to do. Speak to an experienced divorce lawyer in San Jose and file the requisite paperwork.

If you haven’t filed any response, motion or request within the protected period, the court has the right to act against you. Furthermore, in such situations, the court is not even liable to notify you when a hearing is scheduled. Now on, the court is free to take the case forward without you.

How to File an Answer?

You can easily file your response on the family court of appeals website. In your answer you need to state whether or not you agree to the divorce petition and it also lets you state what you want if the divorce goes through. You also need to file your financial statement and a proposed parenting plan if you and your spouse currently have children.

The court assumes that you do not want to be a part of the case if they do not receive a timely response. It is best not to take this chance and act upon a petition as soon as you have made a decision at your end.