Saturday 22 November 2014

Successful Co-parenting: Back to School Tips for Divorced Parents

Successful co-parenting need not be an oxymoron if the divorced individuals display self restraint and maturity. There may be many instances that may test a parent’s patience and is likely to become a battleground. Getting back to school after the summer holidays is one such instance. Here are a few tips to help co-parents manage the back to school routine successfully:

•    When in doubt, refer to the settlement order regarding parenting plan:

Issues concerning parenting responsibilities are discussed in detail in the divorce order. Make sure that you refer to the parenting plan before you raise an issue with your ex-spouse. Consulting these documents is likely to solve many issues.

•    Check your ego at the door:

Most co-parenting issues including school-related problems can be sorted if both or either of the parents decides to let go of their ego. Sometimes you may not agree with your ex-spouse’s view on things, but if it does not harm your child’s interest, it is alright to let go. The ex-spouse is also your child’s parent and would only want the best for him/her.

•    Plan everything in detail:

Sit with your ex to plan activities for the entire academic year. This includes planning about school breaks, weekends, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Things may not always go as planned, but at least you have a general idea about who does what and when. This also allows time to plan other related aspects.

If problems creep in despite your best effort to keep things amiable, take a step back and think- ‘what’s in the best interest of my child’ or hire a certified family law specialist in California. I’m sure the answer to this question would solve almost every issue.