Sunday 22 February 2015

Factors to Consider During Child Custody

Custody arrangement for children is a painful yet important part of a divorce process. Before you begin working with a San Jose family attorney to draw up a custody agreement, here are some factors that you must consider for the best interests of the children.

Negotiate and try to find Common Ground

Joint custody of the child is often what is decided in most situations. Talk to your soon-to-be ex about how you can effectively take turns in a shared custody arrangement with the child. Legal battles over child custody can cause an adverse impact on the child’s growth and the Court will make the final decision according to what they determine is in the best interest of the child.

Minimize all disruptions to Children

The post-divorce period for the children is a difficult phase and therefore their living arrangements must be such that there are no disruptions from school or other co-curricular activities. The child should be able to spend quality time with both parents and still be able to lead a normal life.

Ensure the “Secure” Feeling is Still Intact

Younger children often feel threatened and insecure during and after a divorce. It may help use mediator to ensure the child gets a chance to communicate and spend time with both parents. Keep the communication lines open with your ex on all issues relating to your children and their emotional wellbeing. 

Keep Your Responsibilities and Know your Rights

Remember a legal custody is different from physical custody. While reviewing the child custody statement, ensure all rights relating to the upbringing of the child such as education, relocation and medical care are clearly stated. Talk to your family law attorney to ensure you are well aware of your responsibilities, obligations and legal rights.

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