Thursday, 22 January 2015

Child Custody Trials and Children: How to Prepare Your Mind Before You Prepare your Children for the Trial

Child custody is never easy-even in cases where parents are trying for an amicable split. Preparing children for the process is indeed difficult, but not more than preparing your own self. Here’s how to parents can prepare themselves before managing their children.

•    You still have child custody rights- irrespective of your past choices or decisions:

You may have made questionable choices in the past but that does not disqualify you from claiming your rights to child custody or visitation rights. But keep in mind that the court always considers the child’s welfare in mind before deciding on custody.

•    Display respect and dignity towards your ex-partner/ spouse:

Your ex is still the other parent and a significant aspect of your child’s life. Sometimes a parent may try to alienate the other parent from the child either by sharing their marital woes with the children or calling them names. Such children often distance themselves or even display animosity towards the other parent. Psychologists term this as Parental Alienation syndrome and warn against this attitude towards the child. This can have very serious consequences for a child’s future. He/she may struggle to have relationships or and may even end up with substance abuse. 

•    Interfering in a parent-child relationship can only lead to change in custody:

If one parent acts in an uncooperative manner or attempts to disrupt the parent-child relationship (with respect to the other parent), the court may consider such behavior as misconduct and even order a change in custody. Willful acts of interference may lead to fines, community service and even jail.

•    Evaluate yourself honestly as a parent and decide selflessly on what is right for the child:

There have been many instances where a parent has selflessly given away their rights for sole custody. This is not because they’re bad parents, but because such a decision would be in the best interest of the child. Contested Santa Clara child support cases can be very dirty with each party trying their best to sully the other person’s reputation.

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